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Meeting (2019-11-14)

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 4 years, 11 months ago


Meeting Time:       Nov. 24th, 10am - noon (Pacific)

Meeting Location: South Hall 2509 (Transcriptions Center)

Meeting Zoom:     We'll use Alan's "instant" Zoom ID (our default meeting Zoom):  https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/760-021-1662



0. Preliminary Business


  • Timesheets
  • Next all-hands meeting date?
    • Agenda for next meeting: "PM" teams, new research questions
    • Thursday Dec. 5th, 10am-noon (Pacific)? 


Purpose of today's meeting

  • Briefings on project-wide developments relevant to our research teams
  • Overview of research questions teams workflow 
  • Status Updates from Research-Questions Teams 
  • Other Teams (equivalent of Summer "PM" teams) 



1. Briefings on project-wide developments relevant to our research teams





2. Overview of Research-Questions Teams Workflow


WE1S Team Working Space folder

  1. Work on key findings

    1. For each key finding, create a one-page Key Finding card (naming convention: KF-[team#]-[card#]) -- e.g., KF-5-2). Initial drafts of key finding cards can be kept in each team’s working folder (WE1S Team Drive > Team Working Space). Final drafts go here: WE1S Team Drive > Team Working Space > Key findings workflow > Key finding cards.

    2. Based on a KF card, draft a blog post for the WE1S Research Blog and put the draft in the blog post workflow folder: WE1S Team Drive > Team Working Space > Blog Post workflow

      1. WE1S Documentation & Dissemination team puts publishes the post online in the WE1S Research Blog

    3. Based on a KF card, create an infographic (example) and place the draft in the Infographics workflow folder: WE1S Team Drive > Team Working Space > Infographics workflow

    4. Based on a KF card and recommendations included in the underlying interpretation reports, design a hypothetical event. Place the draft in the Event design workflow folder: WE1S Team Drive > Team Working Space > Event design workflow

    5. Create other discrete outputs (such as recommendations for students, administrators, journalists, etc.) for each key finding as appropriate (which we can later incorporate in advocacy outputs or white-paper reports to be drafted in WE1S Team Drive > Team Working Space > Whitepapers workflow).

    6. WE1S to send out social media about the above.

  2. Work on new research questions 

    1. Frame a research question

      1. Operationalize the question

    2. Initially scout model(s), topic(s), and keyword(s) in investigating the question. (Use documents and spreadsheets to track this initial work.)

    3. Use modules of Interpretation Protocol

    4. Write report.

    5. Harvest "key findings." 


   Workflow Folders and Tracking Sheets




3. Status Updates from Research Questions Teams

Planning and progress updates on: key findings work, next research questions


  • Research Questions Teams (equivalent of Summer "AM" teams) (Teamwork Dashboard 2019-2020) 
    • Team 1 (Crisis) 
      • currently on hold 
    • Team 2 (Different locales) 
      • Dan Baciu, Cindy Kang, Sihwa Park
    • Team 3 (Social groups) 
      • Su Burtner, Jamal Russell, Tyler Shoemaker
      • KF-3-1, KF-3-2, KF-3-3 
    • Team 4 (Economic contexts)
      •  Phillip Cortes, Francesca Battista, Surojit Kayal
    • Team 5 (Broader profile of humanities in society)
    • Team 6 (Different media) 
      • Joyce Brummet, Joseph Jaffray, Ryan Leach, Qiaoyu Cai
      • KF-6-1, KF-6-2 
    • Team 7 (Impact of government & agencies) 
      • currently on hold; members in future to be: Jeremy Douglass, Sean Gilleran, Christina Roberts, Dieyun Song
    • Team 8 (UCSB Human Subjects Research) 
      • Abigail Droge, Rebecca Baker, Jessica Gang, Leila Stegemoeller (and possible additional undergraduate?)
      • KF-8-1, KF-8-2, KF-8-3
    • Team 9 (UM Human Subjects Research) 
      • Lindsay Thomas, Francesca Battista, Ashley Hemm, Alexandria Morgan, Tarika Sankar, Dieyun Song




4. Other Teams (equivalent of Summer "PM" teams)

Members of the research questions teams above will also be engaged as time allows on the following work. (We'll see who is interested, and ask them to create a rough timeline or outline of main activities for the year)

  • Visualization development team (Interpretation Lab)
  • Documentation & Dissemination team -- to create or edit materials for releases of the following every two to three weeks:
    • Social media postings
    • Research blog posts 
    • Bibliography 
    • Web site 
    • Journal publications, etc. 
  • Final outputs planning team 
  • Technical repository and dissemination team (PIs + Greg Janée)
  • X-Force team 
    • Management of data set
    • collecting metadata from collection
    • etc. 
  • Mellon progress report team (PI assisted by co-PIs and project managers)  



Planning for Future Meetings








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