Meeting (2019-08-02) - End of Summer Meeting with Advisory Board and Future Planning
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last edited
by Alan Liu 5 years, 6 months ago
1. Meeting with Advisory Board (11am - 1pm)
- See agenda on Advisory Board meeting page for the event:
- 11am - noon: lightning presentations by our research teams
- noon - 1pm: plenary consultation with the Board
2. Lunch
- 1 - 2:30 pm: Catered lunch
3. WE1S Future Planning Meeting (for all summer camp participants)
- Planning for final project year
- Academic year 2019-2020
- Collection work
- Research questions work
- Team based or individual?
- Feedback on work during the summer.
- Outputs work
- Consolidation, organization and editing of research
- Harvesting of research for public-facing outputs and advocacy
- Writing of project final reports
- Creation of humanities advocacy examples
- Technical work
- Consolidation of our platforms and tools ("no more new tools")
- Documentation work
- Project distribution and repository work
- Web site
- GitHub repo(s)
- "Memory Institution" repositories (e.g., Zenodo)
- Project social media, traditional media, and scholarly publication strategy for dissemination
- Summer research camp 2010
- "Triage" discussion (what do we have to let go in the project to get the project done?)

- International media
- Subcorpora
- Spanish-language sub-corpora?
- ("If feasible: experiment with collecting and topic modeling a small sample of Spanish-language materials. With the assistance of RAs (and in consultation with colleagues familiar with Spanish-language journalistic materials and Chicana/o studies), PI Liu and co-PI Thomas (who is fluent in Spanish) will take the lead in attempting to collect a relatively small sub-corpus of Spanish-language newspaper articles related to the humanities.")
- "Historical newspaper coverage of the humanities from earlier in the 20th century (gathered through ProQuest Historical Newspapers; the Library of Congress's Chronicling America resource; and, in some cases, through the archives and API's of individual newspapers);"
- "Government and political documents (gathered through resources such as Congress.gov, Whitehouse.gov, U. S. Government Publishing Office, and the archives of individual states, with data gathering assisted by API's from the Sunlight Foundation)"
- "Reports and publications by scholarly and professional associations as well as grant agencies and foundations;"
- "Public documents of higher-education institutions that mention the humanities (e.g., so called university "viewbooks"; mission statements of humanities centers; and speeches by campus presidents and deans);"
- "Scholarly research articles discussing the humanities (collected from JSTOR). A particularly rich avenue of research will be to use the recently introduced JSTOR Labs Text Analyzer service to discover research articles relevant to sample materials from the WE1S corpus. (Because the Text Analyzer builds on JSTOR Lab's own usage of topic modeling, there may also be ways that WE1S can use Text Analyzer to corroborate or extend WE1S analyses of topic models.) "
- Technical methods, platform, front-end
- "Extend search and analytical methods. Develop additional methods of searching for materials related to the humanities (e.g., corroborating or extending the simpler method of keyword searching through more complex pattern matching), and then study the materials using more than a single method of text analysis. WE1S anticipates exploring "word embedding" (word vector) approaches that could complement topic modeling in the interpretation of complex discursive fields."
- Word embedding initiative?
- Classification approaches
- "Develop a public-facing front end for displaying and exploring the results of the project. The goal is to create a Web site that will show WE1S's results in a dynamic, queryable interface accompanied by explanations and other guidance from the project team. Such a site will encourage the public and scholars to explore public discussion of the humanities in the media, and to read the underlying materials (through links to their proprietary original locations). The interface for the site will draw on output from the project's internal technical systems (its Workflow Management System and Virtual Workspace System). The dynamic presentation of data and topic models will be complemented on the Web site by other kinds of materials, including analyses, recommendations, resources for humanities advocacy, and scholarly deliverables. Also, WE1S will explore the feasibility of using the open-standards based Hypothes.is Web annotation system to add a publicly viewable "layer" of highlights, comments, and links over selected newspaper articles and other online documents in their original locations, thus creating effective case studies of the project's findings."
Meeting (2019-08-02) - End of Summer Meeting with Advisory Board and Future Planning
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