Meeting (2019-02-14) UM Comparison Corpus Meeting



Meeting Time:       Thursday, February 14, 2 pm EST

Meeting Location: Library, Faculty Exploratory (room 305)



0. Preliminary Business



Purpose of today's meeting



1. Models for today


Sources used in each model -- top 10 US newspapers by circulation (that LexisNexis stores):


Top 10 US newspapers NOT stored in LexisNexis:


  1. Humanities model: 75-topic model of articles containing the word "humanities," latest 2 years for each source (2014-2017), 1057 articles
    1. Dfrbrowser 
    2. PyLDAvis 
    3. Topic Bubbles 
    4. Project directory on harbor 
  2. Not humanities model: 75-topic model of articles NOT containing the word "humanities" (from comparison corpus, randomly sampled), 2017, 1184 articles
    1. Dfrbrowser 
    2. PyLDAvis 
    3.  Topic Bubbles
    4. Project directory on harbor 


Something about the models to keep in mind:





2. Model interpretation





3. Discussion 




4. Finding articles that are about the humanities







Planning for Future Meetings