2018 Summer Research Camp meetings
Page history
last edited
by Alan Liu 6 years, 5 months ago
Current Work: WE1S Summer Research Camp 2018
(Information page for the summer research camp) (July 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26)
WE1S uses this PBworks wiki site as a behind-the-scenes developers' platform for planning, staging work, accumulating resources, etc., prior to finished work or work intended for the project's public web site at we1s.ucsb.edu.
WE1S participants also collaborate through the Ryver team communications platform and a Google Drive space. For remote conferencing, WE1S uses Zoom (instructions). (For Zoom "instant" meetings started by Alan Liu, join at: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/7600211662)
July 9
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- Kronos issues?
- Ryver teams
- AM Teams
- Teams work with Zooms as needed between UCSB and CSUN
- People on multiple teams rotate as needed
- Document work in the shared Google Drive space
- Log the team's work (log book)
- Keep notes on work in team lab notebook
- Keep collections of resources in team folders
- Keep a bibliography (upcoming: WE1S bibliography workflow)
- All-hands meeting to be held at end of Tuesday and Thursday AM sessions (Zoomed between UCSB and CSUN)
- Future goals:
- Area of focus reports (updates to existing reports; and creation of reports for those teams in areas that do not have one)
- Development of protocol for interpretation (common deliverable for all the AM teams)
- Provide user testing feedback for WE1S tools
- PM Teams -- (Initial Zoom between UCSB & CSUN)
- (Re)organization of the PM teams
- Create mission statement for team
- Set goals and deliverables for this summer
- Outline a long-term development plan and deliverables (for after this summer)
- Possible deliverables (examples):
- research reports
- bibliographies
- galleries of examples (e.g., examples of humanities advocacy created elsewhere)
- prototypes
- Document work in the shared Google Drive space
- Log the team's work (log book)
- Keep notes on work in team lab notebook
- Keep collections of resources in team folders
- Keep a bibliography (upcoming: WE1S bibliography workflow)
- End-of-summer goals:
- Preparation for the Advisory Board meeting:
- Identify top issues and problems (ideally practical ones that are also the crux of conceptual issues). We will organize presentation/discussion teams to present these to the Advisory Board during their visit.
- Create lightning presentations to introduce breakout groups at the Board meeting on:
- Corpus and Collection
- Method and Platform
- Diverse Populations
- Outputs
July 10
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- AM Teams
- Working with the collection & analysis tools
- Research and planning work
- Teams work with Zooms as needed between UCSB and CSUN
- People on multiple teams rotate as needed
- Document work in the shared Google Drive space
- Log the team's work (log book)
- Keep notes on work in team lab notebook
- Keep collections of resources in team folders
- Keep a bibliography (upcoming: WE1S bibliography workflow)
- All-hands meeting to be held at end of Tuesday and Thursday AM sessions (Zoomed between UCSB and CSUN)
- Future goals:
- Area of focus reports (updates to existing reports; and creation of reports for those teams in areas that do not have one)
- Development of protocol for interpretation (common deliverable for all the AM teams)
- Provide user testing feedback for WE1S tools
- PM Teams -- (Initial Zoom between UCSB & CSUN)
- Create mission statement for team (examples: PM Team 3 | PM Team 1)
- Set goals and deliverables for this summer
- Outline a long-term development plan and deliverables (for after this summer)
- Possible deliverables (examples):
- research reports
- bibliographies
- galleries of examples (e.g., examples of humanities advocacy created elsewhere)
- prototypes
- Document work in the shared Google Drive space
- Log the team's work (log book)
- Keep notes on work in team lab notebook
- Keep collections of resources in team folders
- Keep a bibliography (upcoming: WE1S bibliography workflow)
- End-of-summer goals:
- Preparation for the Advisory Board meeting:
- Identify top issues and problems (ideally practical ones that are also the crux of conceptual issues). We will organize presentation/discussion teams to present these to the Advisory Board during their visit.
- Create lightning presentations to introduce breakout groups at the Board meeting on:
- Corpus and Collection
- Method and Platform
- Diverse Populations
- Outputs
July 12
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- New developments on the WE1S public site (WordPress site):
- "Bulletins" vs. "Research Blog"
- Curriculum Lab
- New PM Ryver teams (e.g., "PM Team 1")
- Topic model interpretation
- AM Teams
- PM Teams -- (Concluding Zoom between UCSB & CSUN)
- Plenary discussion at end of PM session (progress reports from the teams, discussion)
July 16
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
We have three weeks of the summer research camp left before the Advisory Board meeting. The current agenda for the Board meeting is as follows:
Friday Aug. 3:
- Plenary session in the afternoon in which a sequence of groups (consolidated from our teams) poses high-value, specific questions that we seek the Board's advice on. Each question will be concrete and have a practical implication for our project, but will be chosen to lie at the crux of a set of larger conceptual or social issues. (So the plenary discussant group[s] will first pitch the question, then fill in the context and our thinking so far, and then ask for advice.) There will be 4 such questions, one for each of the themes of the breakout groups the next day on Saturday:
- Corpus and collection
- Method and Platform
- Diverse populations
- Outputs
Saturday Aug. 4:
- Lightning talks by a selection of AM & PM teams (or representatives of various teams) to review summer work related to the four themes of Corpus and Collection, Method and Platform, Diverse Populations, and Outputs.
- Then we station four forums (in different parts of the room), one for each of the four themes. We break the Board into four parts and have them circulate through the theme groups (i.e., we embed them to think through the issues with our RAs and ourselves).
- We will likely evolve the plan. But thinking backward from this for the moment, we could prepare by doing something like the following in the next three weeks leading up to the event:
- This week: All-hands discussion on Wed or Thur to lay out the plan for the Board meeting, and organize discussants in the Friday plenary session and participants in the Saturday breakout groups.
- Next week: Summit meetings of the PIs/postdocs with the Friday discussants and the four theme groups.
- Week of the Board meeting: All-hands meeting on Wed or Thur to tie everything together.
- AM Teams
- Briefings from Lindsay, Jeremy, and Scott
- PM Teams
- Common observations log for AM teams?
- Proposals for research posts and reports for PM teams?
July 18
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- AM Session
- PM Session: 3 pm Plenary Discussion: All-hands discussion on Wed or Thur to lay out the plan for the Board meeting, and organize discussants in the Friday plenary session and participants in the Saturday breakout groups.
- Friday Aug 3:
- Friday themed groups of lightning talks: (10 minutes for each group of talks. Single 15-minute Powerpoint for each group in this format: (a) quick montage of work; (b) directions and issues; (c) "key question"
- Corpus and collection
- Group of representatives of AM teams, and of PM teams 2 (historical humanities) and 8 ("publicness" & "newsworthiness")
- Diverse Populations
- Group of representatives of selected AM teams, including teams 8 and 10, and PM team 1 (global humanities)
- Method and Platform
- Group of representatives of the 3 PM "methods" teams + PM team 9 (tools)
- Imagined Outputs
- Group of representatives of PM teams 3 (outputs) and 5 (scholarly deliverables)
- Saturday Aug. 4
- Next week: PIs to have summit meetings with each of the four theme groups
- Virtual Board participants?
July 23
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- Congrats to the PI and postdoc team that solved the topic misalignment problem! (345 Ryver posts this past weekend and counting!) (We should visualize this thread!)
- AM & PM status reports this week (perhaps Tuesday)
- Bios for project site
- WE1S bibliography progress
- Research post submission process (TBD)
July 24
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- Summit meetings of PIs with the Theme Groups for the Advisory Board event:
- Tuesday July 24th, 2pm -- Imagining Outputs (draft key questions)
- Wednesday July 25th, 11am -- Diverse Populations
- Wednesday July 25th, 2pm -- Methods & Platforms
- Thursday July 26th, 3pm -- Corpus & Collection
- PM Teams mission statements now on page
- Charrette deadline (show-and-tell materials to Giorgina and Tyler): next Wed, 2pm
- Research Blog posts
- basic principles
- editorial workflow
- XX
July 25
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- Summit meetings of PIs with the Theme Groups for the Advisory Board event:
- Tuesday July 24th, 2pm -- Imagining Outputs (draft key questions)
- Wednesday July 25th, 11am -- Diverse Populations
- Wednesday July 25th, 2pm -- Methods & Platforms
- Thursday July 26th, 3pm -- Corpus & Collection
- Charrette deadline (show-and-tell materials to Giorgina and Tyler): next Wed, 2pm
- Lab Notebooks open to view next Wed. 2pm (unless you let Alan know otherwise)
- End of AM session: plenary AM teams meeting
- XX
July 26
- Preliminaries: Initial Zoom between UCSB and CSUN
- Summit meetings of PIs with the Theme Groups for the Advisory Board event:
- Tuesday July 24th, 2pm -- Imagining Outputs (draft key questions)
- Wednesday July 25th, 11am -- Diverse Populations
- Wednesday July 25th, 2pm -- Methods & Platforms
- Thursday July 26th, 3pm -- Corpus & Collection
- Charrette deadline (show-and-tell materials to Giorgina and Tyler): next Wed, 2pm
- End of AM session: plenary AM teams meeting
- XX
2018 Summer Research Camp meetings
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