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Summer Research Camp (2018-07-03) (Orientation Day 2)

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 6 years, 2 months ago

During part of this day, the CSUN and UCSB groups will be in video conferencing contact with each other through the Zoom platform.


Prior to the CSUN group joining UCSB by Zoom at 10:30 a.m., the UCSB group will handle some practical issues (e.g., Kronos, wifi access, location of project online sites, Ryver), and look at some "area of focus" reports (draft reports here).


1. Introduction to the WE1S Collection and Analysis Platform (via Zoom link between UCSB and CSUN)


  • Explanation and demonstration of the WE1S Workflow Management System (WMS) and Manifest System (by Jeremy Douglass and Scott Kleinman) 




2. Training Workshop (part 1) (via Zoom link between UCSB and CSUN; this initial training workshop will be continued in Orientation Day #3)

Each weekend, WE1S will use the LexisNexis Web Services Kit to batch-collect materials. Then during the following week, teams will analyze the materials using topic modeling (and in future potentially other methods). As the project proceeds, teams will be tasked with addressing a series of questions that are project-wide or specific to a team (e.g., "Do we need to collect based on searching not just for the phrase 'humanities' but also 'liberal arts' and 'the arts'?" "Are we recognizing a meaningful difference between our corpus of materials and a general random corpus?" "Does the U.S. team need to increase or decrease the representation of local newspapers?" "How do we deal with media conglomerates or news services?").


  1. Queuing collection jobs
  2. Creating topic models
  3. Analyzing results of collection jobs -- An initial plan for analysis work each week is as follows (to be revised as we compare results and suggest improvements):
    1. Generating topic models in the WMS
    2. Examining topic models (with different numbers of topics) in dfr-browser (Signs topic model by Andrew Goldstone)
    3. Examining representative articles in a topic
    4. Addressing specific questions  
    5. Team discussions of results each week to use current results to iterate or refine collection work, and to push forward with new collection work.
    6. Cross-team discussions each week.
    7. Annotating and sharing observations, problems, plans team "lab notebooks" in the project Google Drive space.



3. Formation of the "PM" Teams


Different from the morning teams, afternoon teams are focused on a variety of research tasks that may include planning and prototyping, investigation of issues and contexts, and creating reports or resources. The exact nature of the teams are to be determined, but initial ideas for teams include: the following (where multiple specific teams could be formed under each general heading):


  • Global Humanities team(s) focused on researching and writing reports on the nature, role, perception, and context of the humanities and arts in different regions of the world and among different population groups.
    • CSUN: Maureen
    • UCSB: Aili, Rebecca (+ ambassadors)
  • Historical Humanities team(s) focused on investigating, for example, the humanities in 1800, 1900, 1960, 1980, 1990, 2000, and now.
    • CSUN: Colleen, Joyce, Katie
    • UCSB: Abigail,Dan, Sean, Giorgina, Jamal , Kajsa, Jennifer
  • Imagining Outputs team(s) focused on designing the nature, content, and presentation of the WE1S project’s eventual deliverables to a variety of audiences, including segments of the public (e.g., politicians, journalists, parents, students), scholars, and digital humanists. Outputs to be sketched out or prototyped might also include the project’s eventual public site interface and interactive visualizations.
    • CSUN: Samantha, Joyce, Colleen
    • UCSB:  Abigail, Jamal, Ryan, Rebecca, Sihwa, Lindsay
    • Pedagogy team 
      • Collection of lesson plans 
  • Experimenting with Methods team(s) focused on investigating ways to augment the WE1S project’s core methods, e.g., through alternate implementations of topic modeling, word embedding, other kinds of text analysis or corpus linguistics, clustering and sampling methods, and visualization.
    • CSUN: Mauro, Ray, Maureen, Phu
    • UCSB:  Dan, Ryan, Selin
  • Scholarly Deliverables Planning team focused on designing an ongoing or future publication, lecturing, and other research dissemination strategy that can enhance the careers especially of graduate-student, postdoctoral, and junior-faculty participants. For example, what articles based on the project’s research might interested participants author or co-author, and for what journals? What scholarly blog posts might participants write for the WE1S site or for their own blog to increase early-career professional visibility? What conferences could participants submit papers to? How can participants draw on the research themes or methods of WE1S to complement their own individual research for dissertations or articles? 
    • CSUN: Katie, Ray
    • UCSB: Abigail, Dan, Tyler, Giorgina, Lindsay 
  • Philosophy of Methods Team 
    • Make apparent the assumptions of our goals and methods 
    • Produce a flow chart of alternative branches of assumptions and methods 
    • CSUN: Colleen, Joyce, Mauro
    • UCSB: Ryan, Sandra 
  • Cross-Disciplinary Team (including Social Sciences, Human Geography)
    • UCSB:  Dan, Sandra, Abigal
  • Publicness ("Newsworthy" and imagine communities and journalism)
    • UCSB: Giorgina, Jamal, Aili, Tyler, Lindsay
    • CSUN: Katie, Maureen 
  • Tool Development Team 
    • CSUN: Phu, Anando 
    • UCSB: Sean, Dan, Sihwa 






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