
T Hackers Meeting (2018-03-13)

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 6 years, 9 months ago

 Meeting Outcomes:

(jump to notebook added after meeting at bottom of page)


Meeting time: Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 1-2:30 pm Pacific Meeting Zoom URLhttps://ucsb.zoom.us/j/139645849
  • PIs: Alan Liu; co-PIs: Jeremy Douglass, Scott Kleinman, Lindsay Thomas
  • Project Manager: Samina Ali



  • UCSB Graduate Student RAs (currently focusing on corpus design & collection strategy)
    • Rebecca Baker (English)
    • Nazanin Keynejad (Comp. Lit.)
    • Giorgina Paiella (English)
    • Aili Peeker (English)
    • Jamal Russell (English)
    • Tyler Shoemaker (English)


  • Text-Analysis Hacker Group:
    • Faculty
      • Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martín, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara
    • UCSB Graduate Student RAs
      • Sandra Auderset (Linguistics, UCSB)
      • Devin Cornell (Sociology, UCSB)
      • Fabian Offert (Media Arts & Technology, UCSB)
      • Teddy Roland (English, UCSB)
      • Chloe Willis (Linguistics, UCSB) 
    • Other Participants
      • Ryan Heuser (WE1S Advisory Board member; Ph.D. student at Stanford U.)
  •  U. Miami RAs:
    • Samina Ali (English, U. Miami)
    • Tarika Sankar (English, U. Miami)
    • Annie Schmalstig (English, U. Miami)
  •  CSUN RA: Sandra Fernandez 

Next meeting (?):  








1. Overview of the WE1S Workflow Management System (WMS) -- Manifest System + Virtual Workspace Manager


  • Jeremy Douglass and Scott Kleinman will give a presentation about the WE1S collection, provenance, and text-analysis technical workflow system (referred to for short as "Workflow Management System" [WMS]) his will give the sub task groups in T Hackers a sense of how their work might build on or extend the workflow.




2. Reports and Discussion with the T-Hacker Sub-groups


As mentioned in our previous meeting,"Each of the subgroups will begin brainstorming what they would like to do (research that could help advance or augment the WE1S project; and also introductory and advanced workshops). Specifically:

  • What are the research directions you would like to pursue that would be interesting and also assist, augment, or complement the WE1S project?
  • What are the introductory and/or advanced workshops you would like to run in the future?
  • For the DIY Machine building group: what do we want to make (specs and rationale), and how much will it cost?"



T-Hackers Word Embedding Group

  • Group members: Devin Cornell, Ryan Heuser, Fabian Offert, Teddy Roland, and Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martín; with Scott Kleinman sitting in as a member of our WE1S PI group. This group may also address advanced topic-modeling issues. 

  • Directions and plans:
    • [TBD] 
  • Ideas for workshops:
    • [TBD] 


T-Hackers Linguistics Research Group 

  • Group members: Fermin, Sandra Auderset, and Chloe Willis. (We are likely also to ask Prof. Jack Dubois in Linguistics to sit in.)
  • Directions and plans:
    • [TBD] 
  • Ideas for workshops:
    • [TBD] 


T-Hackers Machine Group 

  • Group members: Fabian Offert, Teddy Roland, and Jeremy Douglass, with Ryan Heuser consulting from Stanford
    [Email from Teddy Roland of March 8, 2018:] "In preparation for the next T Hacker meeting, I am passing along the notes from our recent Machine Building meeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v27RQRG8GLRQyTNDu-z_Wi2rxx4bRMkmawjSi2qM4Fs/edit?usp=sharing  At the bottom of the document, you will find that Fabian has assembled a few different hardware configurations that correspond to different levels of computing power and price. Further discussion of these issues is warranted, but at this point, we would draw your attention to the "Medium" build, "Pricey build without GPU", and "Medium build without GPU." In particular, I would point out that having a GPU extends the range of future applications for the machine, but is not strictly necessary for applications like w2v and topic modeling that we plan to use it for in the near term. Also, we noted that all of these exceed the original amount of $2000 that had been discussed, and therefore require some kind of resource re-allocation. Options include shifting money within the Mellon grant or any other WE1S funds, or, alternately, setting this up as a "shared" machine with other DAHC research groups, in which case DAHC would be able to allocate more than its original $1000."  
  • Directions and plans:
    • [TBD] 
  • Ideas for workshops:
    • [TBD] 





3. DAHC Space Planning


  • Furniture and Other Equipment for room
    • Furniture
    • Security for our DIY machine?
    • Remote conference setup:
      • Camera
      • Omni-mic




3. Next Steps

  • Meeting during first two weeks of April? 




Meeting Outcomes


  • The T-Hackers group will meet again in April 2018 (Doodle poll here
  • Tasks leading up to the April meeting: 
    • Word Embedding group: outline a workflow outline for word embedding that might build on, or extend, the WE1S Workspace Manager System (WMS) presented by Jeremy and Scott at our last meeting
    • Linguistics group: present a menu of possible linguistics research methods to apply to the WE1S corpus (or to complement the project's main methods).
    • Machine-building group:
      • Further refine the specs for the machine
      • Consult with Brian Reynolds about plans 


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