PI Meeting (2018-02-13)
Page history
last edited
by Alan Liu 6 years, 12 months ago
Note: this page is in public view and should contain only material for that context. (Links to confidential search materials are allowed so long as the linked materials are restricted to search committee members.)
Purpose of today's meeting
- To short list the WE1S postdoc/lecturer candidates for interviews.
1. Discussion of criteria for ranking candidates
2. Discussion of candidates (target: interview list of no more than 12)
- Spreadsheet. search committee rankings of first-batch candidates (those who applied by the advertised first-consideration date of Feb. 22, 2018)
- Overview of ranked list in the spreadsheet, of boundaries between tranches, and of interesting cases of divergent reviewer rankings.
- Case-by-case discussion in ranked order down to about #17 in the ranked list.
- Assessment of viability for the Lecturer part of the Postdoc/Lecturer position
- Finalize interview list
3. Discussion of the interviewing process
- Scheduling logistics
- Feb 26 - Mar 2
- Mar 12 - 23
- Interviewing plan
- Interview questions (see in Interviewing plan above)
Planning for Future Meetings
PI Meeting (2018-02-13)
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