Meeting Zoom URL:
- PIs: Alan Liu; co-PIs: Jeremy Douglass, Scott Kleinman, Lindsay Thomas
- Rebecca Baker (English)
- Nazanin Keynejad (Comp. Lit.)
- Somak Mukherjee (English) -- Winter
- Giorgina Paiella (English)
- Aili Peeker (English)
- Jamal Russell (English)
- Tyler Shoemaker (English)
- Xiuhe Zhang (Film/Media)
- [Word embedding workflow team in formation]
- U. Miami RAs:
- Samina Ali (English, U. Miami)
- Tarika Sankar (English, U. Miami)
- Annie Schmalstig (English, U. Miami)
- CSUN RA: Sandra Fernandez
Next meeting (?):
Purpose of today's meeting
- Touching bases on our current task of entering candidate sources (and metadata about them) in the WE1S Corpus Collection List (informally referred to as our "data sheet")
1. Administrative Issues
- Kronos timekeeping system (and emails of hours during transition to Kronos)
- Copyright assignment forms: UCSB copyright assignment form for WE1S.pdf
- Workshop on Markdown/Github now moved to Dec. 12th, noon.
- Alert for the future: WE1S summer research camps
2. Database Sheets/Forms For Corpus Collection Scoping Work
3. Status Reports on Current & Future Work
(and suggestions/observations about the forms, metadata, and workflow)
Trello Board for current tasks. Areas of Focus for future or ongoing tasks.
In order of the cards on the Trello board:
- Tarika Sankar
- Tyler Shoemaker
- Rebecca Baker
- Samina Ali
- Giorgina Paiella
- Annie Schmalstig
- Naz Keynejad
- Aili Peeker
- Jamal Russell
- Xiuhe Zhang
4. Where We Are
- Cumulative status as of last night:
- 149 total entries in the WE1S Corpus Collection List (up from about 60ish at our last meeting)
- about 85 or so more "unclaimed" titles from the old data sheet that still need entering into the new data sheet
- Status of work on remaining items in the old data sheet:
- (from Lindsay): "[would] work on entering metadata for titles listed on the old data sheet ... proceed more quickly if we assigned a small group of the RA's to focus only on that task? ... Or is entering that metadata more of a back-burner task, and so it doesn't matter that it's proceeding a bit more slowly?"
- Ongoing Areas of Focus
5. Next Steps
- Continuing current task of suggesting candidate sources for the WE1S corpus and researching metadata for them
- Assessing "representativeness" of our cumulative list.
- When would be a feasible and productive time to have a "representativeness" assessment meeting?
- What would be best practice for conducting the assessment? (E.g., assign individual RAs and/or faculty to reporting on particular facets of our cumulative list)?
- Initial trial runs of searching/downloading from sources and entering them for processing in the WE1S Manifest & Virtual Workspace Manager system.
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