UM Meeting (2017-11-07)
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last edited
by Lindsay Thomas 7 years, 3 months ago
Next meeting: Tues, Nov 14?, 3:30 pm -- Whole team meeting
Timesheets to Lindsay by Sunday night, Nov 12
Purpose of today's meeting
1. Ongoing tasks
- Project announcements
- UCSB RA hiring process
- First technical workshop (Markdown and Github): Friday, Dec 8 at 4 pm EST
- Ongoing tasks
- Magazines: "news magazine" rather than circulation/ranking numbers
- Data entry using Google form (posted on Ryver)
- What we need to do:
- Organize WE1S Corpus Collection List
- Alphabetize
- Colors:
- All title cells should be blue.
- EXCEPT: Title cells that contain sources for which you have gathered data, but you don't know how/where to find them (i.e., which database to use, if they are stored in a database, etc), should be colored red.
- "Completed" rows: title bolded.
- Determine which areas of focus from the areas of focus page are represented in the Corpus Collection list as it is now
- Create another document where we list the areas of focus represented in current corpus collection list and the numbers of sources in each category
- Other areas of focus?
- Determine which areas of focus still need representation on the corpus collection list
- Samina will organize the WE1S Corpus Collection List (see above for details; also, standardize the "The" title issue)
- Annie will create a new spreadsheet in the Data Sheet for WE1S Sources collections of sheets called "Areas of Focus Cross-Reference"
- 3 columns: Area of focus, Number of sources (rough estimate), Notes
- Annie and Tarika will split up areas of focus listed on Assignments for Finding Individual Sources to Add to WE1S Corpus Collection List (split US sources and World sources; investigate US sources first)
- Annie and Tarika will investigate the existing sources on the WE1S Corpus Collection List and see what areas of focus are well-covered, and which need work
- They will tabulate results in the spreadsheet Annie will make
- Lindsay will copy completed entries from WE1S Corpus Collection List to sheet linked to Google form.
- Everyone will send Lindsay links of documents/sheets that should go in our "Links to get us started" post in Ryver (which we are now using as a kind of links repository).
- Continue metadata entry using the Google form.
UM Meeting (2017-11-07)
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