Meeting Outcomes:
(interpolated in red font below)
Grant news:
- Award documents and funding arrival
- Conflict of Interest forms
- UCSB announcement
- Copyright forms -- Alan needs to get final ones for UCSB
- Postdoc/lecturer search --Alan needs to get final ad draft to Gretchelle
- GSR & RA recruitment --Alan needs to run by Chair and Grad Chair, and then put out calls
Other news: --We need to start a page on the public site for "Project News"
- Oct. 18th: Alan to present at UCSB Big Data Research Symposium
- Nov. 3rd: Alan to present at National Humanities Alliance conference:

Next meeting:
- PI's to meet next week? (Fri Oct 13th?) -- Friday Oct. 13th, 2-3 pm
Purposes of today's meeting
- Wrap up summer work & transition to academic year work
1. Ongoing Tasks
- Status of new public Web site:
- Site structure:

- Site design:
- theme and stylesheet -- Jeremy has started tinkering; comment a section at bottom of the theme css file for WE1S hacks
- Content to-dos:
- Pictures --in progress
- Contact info --create address, which forwards to the PIs
- Posting of Mellon announcement and prospectus -
- Shorter prospectus --in progress (Scott and Lindsay)
- Posting of research reports
- Porting over from PBworks of some materials: --U. Miami RAs to begin on this?
- Porting over from of some materials:
- Workflow for publishing documents: Doc --> Markdown --> Github --> WP
- --Scott's suggestion: Markdown -->(Doc) --> Github --> WP
- --WE1S to run training workshop(s) on Markdown and Github
- Status of research reports
- Completion and editing of research reports -- last reports to finalized soon
- Posting of reports on site under "research"
- Consultations with colleagues and librarians
- Alan's chat with Gary Johnson at the library (Associate University Librarian for Scholar Services & Planning)
- Giorgina's consultation with Sherri Barnes: report
- Research questions page -- Create a typology of questions; Alan to prepare the questions for public presentation (with explanation); questions to be bounced off Advisory Board to consult about which are practical to address with our materials and methods, and what measures to take to improve our chances of addressing others;
Meeting Minutes
Tasks Coming Out of This Meeting:
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