
Meeting (2017-09-12)

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 7 years, 5 months ago

 Meeting Outcomes:

(jump to notebook added after meeting at bottom of page)




Greetings from Hawaii!


News: status of our grant proposal 


Next meeting: 

  • PI's to meet next week? (Fri 2 pm)
  • Next whole team meeting? 



Purposes of today's meeting

  1. Touch bases on ongoing tasks
  2. Discuss the Data Sheet for WE1S Sources
  3. Develop a work plan for nominating individual publications  


1. Ongoing Tasks


  • Status of new public Web sitehttp://we1s.ucsb.edu/
    • Need to configure WP site
    • Need to theme site
    • Need to figure out a Markdown Plus --> WP post system 
  • Status of research reports
    • Team members to send Giorgina their reports
    • Giorgina to edit .docx files (send images as separate files) to prepare for website document workflow


  • Consultations with colleagues and librarians  



  • Research questions page  
    • What kinds of questions are missing?
    • What more should we add before we vote to prioritize the questions, which will serve as a basis for ensuring we are collected what we need in the WE1S corpus?  



2. Data Sheet Discussion

  • 'Data Sources"sheet (green = go; red = stop; yellow = caution; purple = defer to subcorpus).
  • "Sample Facet" sheet. 
    • Controlled vocabulary for facets.
  • Jeremy: progress in using data from the "New Canon Results" sheet and the "News Canon Data" sheet to generate an "impact"-score for news sources.
  •  Priority Item: finalize facets & controlled vocabulary for the present (to allow nomination of individual publications to begin)  
    • Issues Jeremy raised about facets at Aug 28th meeting of this sub-team: (Email from Teddy): "I like the way that he [Jeremy] asked the question: 'Which facets are so important that we shouldn’t do them?' By that he meant that some of the proposed facets might be too specific to a research question and therefore would need closer attention on a project-by-project basis. If there is disagreement, say, about a source’s politics, either there would need to be a guiding hand from the lead researcher in order to to appropriately label each source, or the project would need to incorporate disagreement into its model. The solution he proposed was to add an optional step within the topic modeling (Jupiter Notebook) workflow to apply additional facets to the metadata."

  • Data Sheet --> Manifest --> GraphViz
    • Update from Scott, Jeremy, and Teddy (whoever is present from this sub-team) 



3. Set up for Nominating Individual Publications (plan the process)

  • Create finalized version of "Sample Facet" sheet, rename "Individual Sources"
  • RAs & PIs to be assigned to particular database sources.
  • From this point on to the end of Sept., the task is for the RAs & PIs to suggest candidate publications by adding them to the individual sources sheet (and filling out as many facets columns as possible).
  • At end of Sept, we pause and review the sources gathered so far to evaluate:
    • whether we need to tweak our data sheet and facets
    • the overall balance of the corpus
  • We then also scrutinize the search/download trials we have conducted for the various databases. 



4. Next steps:

  • Retooling the Virtual Workspace Manager to include ingest workflow(s)
  • Manifest development







Meeting Minutes

Tasks Coming Out of This Meeting:


  • Future Meetings:
    • Friday Sept. 15th, ll:00 am -- PIs Scott, Jeremy, Alan.
      • Agenda: Manifest & Virtual Workspace Manager; Web site issues, etc. 
    •  Friday Sept. 22nd, 2:00 pm -- PIs Lindsay, Scott, Jeremy, Alan.
      • Agenda:  Grant launch to-dos
    • Friday Oct. 6th, 2:30 pm -- Whole Team Meeting (PIs and RAs)
      • Agenda: evaluation of individual publications added to the corpus collection list to date.
  • Work on Public Web Site:
    • PIs are currently configuring the WE1S public WordPress site
  • Work on Research Reports:
    • Alanna and Russel to send Giorgina current drafts of their research reports
    • Giorgina to meet with Alan on Tuesday Sept. 19th about formatting/citation issues
    • Giorgina to edit the reports for publication on the public web site. 
  • Work on the Data Sheet and Adding Individual Publications:
    • Ryan & Sage to tweak sample facets sheet as per our discussion:
      • Separate public vs "behind the curtain" facet columns
      • Evolve controlled vocabulary via ISO numbers and drop-down lists as we discussed
      • Rename the "Sample Facets" sheet to something like "WE1S Corpus Collection List"
      • Give green light to rest of team when the "WE1S Corpus Collection List' sheet
      • (and back up the sheet as an Excel file for safety; Question: can we automate the process of backing up Google sheets as Excel files?) 
    • Lindsay & Alan to assign collectors to specific database sources
    • Collectors then to begin adding individual publications to the "WE1S Corpus Collection List" sheet, filling in the facets where they can ("quick and dirty" facet info is fine at this point)
    • Whole team meeting (PIs and RAs) on Oct. 6th, 2:30 pm, to evaluate results of the "WE1S Corpus Collection List" so far.
  • Tasks Related to RAships:
    • Alan is working with the English Dept. staff to ensure proper tracking of hours and payment approval
      • Alan will email RAs as needed about Kronos and time card issues
    • Alan will email RAs about whether or how they want to continue with the project during the academic year
  • Work on the "Research Questions" page
    • Alan to revise and simplify the questions on the page
      • Topics of questions to be added (from our discussion):
        • Frames of discourse about the humanities (i.e., what are the main academic, economic, social, cultural, personal, and other discursive contexts in which mentions of the humanities occur?)
          • Background/foreground distinction
        • Temporal (longitudinal) distinctions (e.g., pre- versus post-Great-Recession coverage of the humanities)
        • "Synecdoche": society’s use of specific humanities disciplines & topics as flag-bearers in discussing the humanities
    • PIs and RAs to vote on the questions (using Polldaddy, to be set up by Alan)
    • During the whole-team meeting on Oct. 6th, we will also evaluate if we have materials that allow us to address high-voted research questions.








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