
Meeting (2017-08-24)

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 7 years, 1 month ago

 Meeting Outcomes:

(jump to notebook added after meeting at bottom of page)



  • Issues with Kronos timekeeping system 
  • Work hours in Sept.?
  • Next meeting (Lindsay with RAs): Sept. 8th, 1:30 pm PST



Purpose of today's meeting

  1. Touch bases on ongoing tasks


1. Ongoing Tasks

  • Add questions to the research questions page (Deadline: Sept. 8, for discussion at meeting with Lindsay) 
  • Research Reports & Other Writing: 
    • Alan is working on setting up a WordPress site at we1s.ucsb.edu (possibly with Markdown Extra to HTML writing workflow implemented through a plug-in like Jetpack) 
    • Scoping Paradigm Reports
    • Alanna:
      • Front-facing materials
      • Two versions of library report, one for the librarians and our internal use, and one as a front-facing version.
      • Front-facing version of the Canadian journalism report.  
  • Consult with colleagues & librarians: 
    • Giorgina (Sherri Barnes)
    • Alan (xx) 
    • Crimson Hexagon orientation 
  • Find "representativeness" criteria that we can usefully track (Sage / Ryan / Teddy)
  • Model our corpus in a way that allows us to understands its logical structure, communicate that structure, and (ideally) derive metrics or "score" of the representative value of each publication in the corpus (Scott, Jeremy, Teddy meeting on Monday Aug. 28th) 
    • Create the "manifest" for a corpus (?)
    • The values for facets of the overall corpus would flow up from, or sum, the equivalent values for individual publications within the corpus. 
    • Generate tree-graphs or nested-box visualizations (as per Teddy's concept) via the implementation of  Graphviz (as suggested by Jeremy). See this example from Jeremy of a Graphviz generated diagram. 
  • Search/download collection trials.



2. Set up for the next phase of summer work: accumulating actual lists of candidate publications for collection

  • Brainstorming how we should do this:
    • By next meeting (?)
      • RAs & PIs to be assigned to particular databases
      • From this point on in Sept: the task is for the RAs & PIs to suggest candidate publications by adding them to the individual publications data sheet
        • We also use the "lists" of newspapers to help guide us 
    • Next: as a group, we assess the candidate publications and overall shape of the corpus.





Meeting Minutes

Tasks Coming Out of This Meeting:

  1. Collection and Editing of Reports: Giorgina has volunteered be the editor of the reports written for WE1S (editing for formatting and citation consistency, plus any other light editing). (Lindsay to touch bases quickly on status of reports and any issues with the following document workflow at the Sept. 8th meeting) 
    1. Team members should send Giorgina their reports as .docx files. (Also send any images as separate files if possible). 
      1. Alan will organize storage locations on the new we1s.ucsb.edu site when it is ready.
    2. Giorgina to edit the .docx files. These will  be the basis of a document flow as follows once the WordPress site at we1s.ucsb.edu is ready:
      1. .docx to markdown to WP post
      2. .docx to PDF for archiving as per Mellon requirement 
    3. Reports to be collected and edited include:
      1. scoping paradigm reports
      2. Alanna's other reports (library, Canadian journalism) 
  2. Public-facing presentation of WE1S: (This is an action item that should be completed before the Sept. 8th meeting)
    1. Alanna to finish her drafts of public presentation of WE1S (including link somewhere to the PBWorks development site)
    2. Lindsay to review the draft
    3. The front pages of the WE1S page on 4humanities.org, and also the front page of the PBworks site to be revised with Alanna's new top-level content as soon as possible. However, archive the older versions first.  (Lindsay: do you still have the login for the 4Humanities.org site? If not, ask Ashley to facilitate.)
  3. Research Questions:
    1. RAs (and others) to add questions to the Research Questions page by Sept. 8th. (Lindsay briefly to discuss with the group the research questions. What kinds of questions are missing? What more should we add before we vote to prioritize the questions, which will serve as a basis for ensuring we are collected what we need in the WE1S corpus?) 
  4. Data Sheet: (Sept. 8th Meeting Priority Action Item: Lindsay to review with the group the status of the various sheets in our Data Sheet for WE1S Sources) . It's especially important to review the first two items below, since finalizing the facets for the data sheet will allow us to begin nominating individual publications for the corpus.) 
    1. Sage & Ryan to finalize the color coding of the 'Data Sources" sheet (green = go; red = stop; yellow = caution; purple = defer fro subcorpus) 
    2. Sage & Ryan to continue tweaking (adding/revising) the columns in the "Sample Facet" sheet. As we discussed, some facets will be just descriptive or annotative (e.g., comments in the cell for that facet for a publication).  But other facets will contain data that we will be able to harvest and analyze computationally. Specifically, some will contain labels in a controlled vocabulary (e.g., "newspaper" or "TV" for medium; "broadsheet" or "tabloid" for format, etc.). Some will contain standard labels or ISO codes (e.g., ISO country codes for nations, though we can start just by labeling nations and then converting later. And some will contain quantitative metrics (e.g., circulation or impact-score). The data-facets will allow us to sum and analyze to determine, for instance, how many publications we have in our corpus from particular nations or representing particular media types.
      1. Sage & Ryan to start the process of creating the controlled vocabulary for the above (using a row in the "Sample Facet" sheet for that purpose). They and others also to being identifying where we can get standard ISO and other codes for other facets (such as nation, cities, etc.) 
    3. Jeremy to report on progress in using data from the "New Canon Results" sheet and the "News Canon Data" sheet to generate an "impact"-score for news sources.
    4. Scott, Jeremy, and Teddy (whoever is present at the Sept. 8th meeting from this sub-team) will report on their discussion at their sub-team's Aug. 28th meeting about the feaibility of using the facets in our data sheet as the basis for modeling our corpus as follows:
      1. Create collection "manifests" that include the facets
      2. Flow the data-facets from manifests for individual publications up to those for the collection manifests
      3. Use GraphViz to generate visualizations of collections. 
  5. Set up For Nominating Individual Publications to a finalized version of the "Sample Facet" sheet, which we could name something like "Individual Sources"(Sept. 8th Meeting Priority Action Item: It's important to get to this step in the Sept. 8th meeting so that we have a workplan for beginning to nominate individual sources. Lindsay to sacrifice discussing other issues as needed in order to get to this action item)
    1. RAs & PIs to be assigned to particular database and other aggregate sources.
    2. From this point on to the end of Sept., the task is for the RAs & PIs to suggest candidate publications by adding them to the individual sources sheet
    3. Later as a group we will begin reviewing the nominated individual sources and the balance of the whole corpus as it is shaping up. We will also scrutinize the search/download trials we have conducted for the various databases. The combination of all these factors will allow us to finalize an initial collecting target list. 












































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